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Досвід системної інтеграції основних напрямів психологічного консультування

Не маючи загального підходу до психологічного консультування, ми завжди будемо працювати фрагментарно, грунтуючись на своєму звичному бачення і використовуючи свої улюблені «фішки». Перед спільнотою психологів-консультантів стоїть завдання узагальнення досвіду, напрацювання загальної теоретичної та методичної бази, завдання інтеграції різних підходів та напрямів психологічного консультування. Ми далекі від того, щоб брати на себе сміливість учити, як працювати колег-психологів, наше завдання скромніше: ми хочемо поділитися досвідом нашої підготовки студентів Університету практичної психології.

Syntone-approach in modern practical psychology and its scientific basis

This article represents the first in the history of the training centers in Russia concept of scientific psychological basis of trainings` conduction. The research was done to analyse what specific scientific psychological approaches are used in the activity of training center Syntone theoretical and which concepts are developed by the center itself. Analysis showed that the Syntone-approach, as a direction in practical psychology, is based both on its own scientific methods and on the scientific methods of neobehaviourism, cognitive psychology, contemporary psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology. It is shown that the Syntone-approach relates to the personal-behavioral trend in practical psychology and has ethical orientation.

Training Center «Syntone»

Training Center «Syntone» is the largest training center in Russia, specializing in personal development trainings. Since 1983, more than 200 thousand people have gone through Syntone trainings, every year there are more than 3000 new students. The training center features over 50 copyright train... читати далі

Experience of system integration of basic trends in psychological counselling

We firmly believe that without a common approach to psychological counseling all work in this field will inevitably be fragmented, based on individual counsellor's vision and employ his personal favourite tricks". Today the community of counsellors faces the task of summarizing uncoordinated experience, of working out a shared theoretical and methodological basis, in other words, the task of integrating various approaches and trends in psychological counselling.

Syntone overview

The history of Syntone training centre began at 1983 as practical psychology club. Club was founded by N. I. Kozlov, who is the professor of psychology now. The first trainings were about communication and interpersonal attitudes. The idea of harmonic communication became the basis and the mission... читати далі

The approach Syntone

The Syntone approach is an independent distinctive psychological trend which has its own philosophy, its original personality theory, its own scientific and methodological basis, and its peculiar system of psychological and pedagogical technologies. The Syntone approach as an area of practical ps... читати далі